County Procedures 430-05-40-60-20
(Revised 10/01/18 ML3532)
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IM 5386
Amended IM 5386
County Workers must:
- Determine if the individual is required to participate in NDWORKS. This must be documented in the case narrative.
- Complete the SFN 353 – Affidavit for SNAP Employment and Training Registrants. The individual must sign the SFN 353 and a copy must be given to the individual and a copy placed in the case file. The worker must document in the case narrative that the individual was given a signed copy of the SFN353.
Once the individual is determined to be required to participate in NDWORKS, they are considered a participant in the program. -
If the individual is exempt, enter the exemption reason and the date exempted in the eligibility system. Document in the case narrative the reason the individual is exempt.
- If the individual is not exempt, refer them to the NDWORKS program using Form SFN679 – SNAP Employment and Training Program Referral.
The participant must sign the SFN679 and a copy must be given to the participant, and a copy placed in the case file. The worker must document in the case narrative that the individual was referred to NDWORKS and that a copy of the SFN679 was given to the participant. -
Inform the NDWORKS case manager of the referral by emailing the signed SFN679 – SNAP Employment and Training Program Referral to them. The date the SFN679 was emailed to the NDWORKS case manager must be documented in the case narrative.
- If notified by the NDWORKS case manager that a participant has failed to comply with the participant’s responsibilities, begin the good cause and conciliation procedures by sending the F851 – SNAP Non-Compliance NDWORKS Notice to the participant. Document the date of the NDWORKS case manager notification and the reason for non-compliance in the case narrative.
If the participant is no longer required to participate in the NDWORKS Program, notify the NDWORKS case manager and document the notification and reason in the case narrative.